Erectile dysfunction affects a large number of men. Approximately 40% of men over 40 years of age suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction. Only 17% inquire about it.
The causes are multiple.
We have the most avant-garde and effective treatments for erectile dysfunction.
We draw up individualized protocols for each patient combining several of our treatments, enhancing their effects and increasing their effectiveness.
We achieved satisfactory response rates in more than 80% of our patients.
Starting point for any evaluation of erectile dysfunction and any other androurological problem.
The specialist evaluates its antecedents, evolution, severity, circumstances of the problem, to guide the origin.
A series of questionnaires are delivered to assess the severity of erectile dysfunction as well as the degree of sexual satisfaction.
A physical examination and ultrasound may be performed during the same visit if additional information is needed..
This visit may be in person, by phone or by video call, at the patient's choice.
As a pioneer center in neurotechnological neurosexology, our functional neuroimaging test allows us to diagnose any "psychological" cause of erectile dysfunction in an objective and precise way, as well as to determine the presence of a specific neurophysiological neurobiomarker of erectile dysfunction, which allows us to diagnose a functional predisposition to develop ED, in the context or not of psychological triggers.
This neurobiomarker is also a therapeutic target for our exclusive neurotechnology treatments applied to psychotherapy, allowing us excellent results in a short time.
In certain cases, an objective and precise vascular study can end up identifying the origin of the erectile dysfunction, as well as assessing the severity of the arterial involvement.
It also helps to see the state of the corpora cavernosa and other genital structures. It is important to perform it in patients who are going to undergo a penile prosthesis intervention.
ECO Doppler is also especially useful in the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction due to “venous leakage, being the test of choice for its diagnosis.
In most cases, an analysis is requested with specific parameters that guide different causes of erectile dysfunction, such as glycemia, a lipid profile and a complete hormonal study.
The most common with increasing age and cardiovascular risk factors (smoking, cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity.
It can be vascular (more frequent and/or neurological (pelvic surgeries, neuropathies, etc.).
Arterial vascular (Arterial insufficiency): lack of blood supply that reaches the cavernous bodies of the penis.
Vascular venous (Venous leak): failure of the occlusive venous system that keeps blood retained in the penis during erection.
Mixed vascular: combination of the two vascular problems.
The treatment is aimed at improving the vascular state through our regenerative protocols (Shock Waves and Growth Factors) and in the most severe cases and/or those that do not respond to any treatment through penile prostheses).
Our research studies have allowed us to diagnose this type of patients.
Very common in young people and in patients without cardiovascular risk factors.
Neurofunctional alterations in areas of the limbic system and/or the Autonomic Sympathetic System predispose to the development of erectile dysfunction in these patients.
Psychological problems often initiate, perpetuate, or aggravate symptoms.
However, not all patients with psychological problems present erectile dysfunction, most will have these neurofunctional alterations
May coexist with organic erectile dysfunction.
Its treatment is focused on correcting these alterations through Neurotechnology applied to psychotherapy and/or Specific Shock Wave Protocol in those patients with increased Autonomic Sympathetic System..
Together with the Neurofunctional type, it is the most frequent in young people and patients without cardiovascular risk factors..
It is closely linked to the Neurofunctional cause, being in most cases an initiating, perpetuating or aggravating factor of the problem..
It is usually present even in patients with a clear organic cause and if it is not addressed, the problem will not be optimally solved.
Treatment will focus on controlling symptoms, such as stress, and correcting triggers.
Testosterone deficiency is the most common cause, but there may be other hormonal changes that cause erectile dysfunction.
Testosterone levels decrease with age, but only 20% of men over 50 years of age have a Testosterone deficiency.
Only 15% of patients with Testosterone Deficiency have symptoms, such as Erectile Dysfunction.
In most of these patients, it coexists with other types of erectile dysfunction, so correcting it alone will not solve the problem, and a combined multimodal treatment is necessary.
Our treatments are focused on a comprehensive approach to the pathology, we seek to solve all the causes that intervene in erectile dysfunction, since in most cases it is not just one cause that causes the problem.
Based on the diagnostic studies that we carry out, we can draw up an individualized therapeutic protocol for each patient to guarantee the greatest efficiency and effectiveness in the results obtained..
We have the most advanced and innovative treatments in Sexual Medicine, and we have our own exclusive protocols that allow us to obtain the highest success rate in any type of erectile dysfunction, whether organic or psychogenic.
We are pioneers in:
Platelet-rich plasma is a preparation that is obtained from the patient’s own blood and that through centrifugation techniques the plasma of the blood is obtained, enriched with its platelets. This preparation has repairing properties for the tissues into which it is injected due to the presence of various growth factors and other molecules such as cytokines.
Its use dates back to 1970 and is used in numerous pathologies of different specialties: inflammation of joint tissues, alopecia, cosmetic surgery or maxillofacial surgery.
The application in the penis of Plasma rich in growth factors (PRP), stimulates a stimulation and regeneration of new tissues and the creation of new blood vessels in the penis with a considerable increase in circulation inside it, improving erections.
The efficacy of biological therapy with PRP is scientifically supported by two clinical analyzes carried out by Dr. Virag Ronald at the Center d’Explorations et traitments de l’impuissance (CETI), in Paris, and published in the journal Sexual Medicine, the Official Journal of the International Society for Sexual Medicine.
A blood draw is done from your arm (about 20 ml)…
and that blood is processed to obtain plasma rich in growth factors. Later it is applied by means of a very fine needle and with local anesthesia to the corpora cavernosa of the penis. .
The procedure is completely painless and does not require any recovery time.
In general, from the first injection you can already notice effects…
The number of sessions depends on each case and the severity of the erectile dysfunction…
Usually 2 or 3 sessions are enough. In some cases, 5 sessions may be required, and in exceptional cases up to 8 sessions.
The effects last between 1 and 2 years, so it is advisable to repeat 1 single session …
It is indicated in all men with erectile dysfunction of the degree that is…
PRP has been shown to be especially beneficial in patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or ED caused by urological surgeries, or having received radiotherapy due to prostate cancer, or in patients with Peyronie's disease.
Stem cells respond to the environment by differentiating into a variety of cell types and secreting cytokines, growth factors, and extracellular matrix molecules that elicit specific responses from neighboring cells.
Cavernous smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells play an important role in obtaining and maintaining an erection.
For erectile dysfunction, these transplanted stem cells differentiate into cavernous smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells.
Research has shown that stem cell transplantation in patients with erectile dysfunction…
The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and sedation…
A mini incision is made in the abdomen and fat is extracted from the subcutaneous tissue through a fine liposuction cannula.
Subsequently, this fat is processed through the exclusive LIPOGEMS system, allowing to obtain an ultra-filtered fat rich in viable stem cells to be implanted in the recipient tissue.
It is then applied by means of a very fine needle and under local anesthesia to the corpora cavernosa of the penis and in the subcutaneous tissue of the penis.
The procedure is completely painless and does not require any recovery time.
In general, from the first injection you can already notice effects…
A single session is sufficient.
The effects last about 2 years It is advisable to repeat 1 single session…
It is indicated in all men with erectile dysfunction of the degree that is…
Treatment with LIPOGEMS stem cells has been shown to be especially beneficial in patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or ED caused by urological surgeries, or having received radiotherapy due to prostate cancer, or in patients with Peyronie's disease.
Shock waves are pressure waves that travel through a medium at the speed of sound.
In medicine, they have been used since 1980 for the fragmentation of kidney stones.
Subsequently, multiple medical utilities have been developed
The shock waves used in erectile dysfunction are of low energy, different from those used for stone fragmentation (high intensity).
The 2017 Action Guidelines of the European Association of Urology indicate that low-energy shock waves have very beneficial effects in patients with vascular erectile dysfunction and place it as a 1st-line treatment in patients with ED.
Multiple studies have shown that shock waves promote the formation of new blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on blood circulation.
At Salud Sexual Dr. Molina we have investigated all types of shock waves and protocols used worldwide and have designed our own protocol based on the combination of linear and radial shock waves (L&R METHOD).
This combination allows us to obtain the best results from both types of wave.
One of the problems in the expected result through Shock Wave treatment lies in the quality and type of device used, which is why we have one of the best specific linear focal Shock Wave devices for Erectile Dysfunction, the Richard Wolf PiezoWave 2.
This device has numerous scientific studies that guarantee its magnificent results, thanks to its energy source and its linear probe that allows a more homogeneous application of energy throughout the treatment throughout all the corpora cavernosa.
In addition, thanks to this device and the studies carried out, we have been able to configure a specific protocol to also address psychogenic erectile dysfunction when we previously diagnosed an increase in the activity of the Sympathetic Autonomic System in the patient (AR2/AR1 METHOD).
From the virtues of treatment with Growth Factors and the virtues of Shock Waves, with clinical response rates around 80% for each of the treatments, we have designed the PRP-WAVES METHOD protocol that combines both treatments and allows us to increase even more the response rate for patients with more severe erectile dysfunction.
Treatment consists of applying along the shaft of the penis and at the level of the perineum (roots of the bodies…
cavernous) a handpiece that emits low intensity waves focused on the erectile tissue to exert its biostimulatory effect.
It does not require prior anesthesia. The procedure is completely painless.
It applies about 3000 waves per session.
Each session lasts approximately 25 minutes.
When finished, the patient goes home, without requiring any kind of rest.
In general, from the first session you can already notice beneficial effects, but it is not until…
Por norma general suelen ser necesarias de 4 a 6 sesiones (1 sesión semanal)…
Los efectos duran cerca de 1 año. Es recomendable repetir un nuevo ciclo de mantenimiento…
It is indicated in all men with erectile dysfunction of the degree that is of vascular origin…
The penile prosthesis is the definitive solution to erectile dysfunction problems that do not respond to other treatments.
It is also one of the most common treatments in patients who have undergone pelvic surgeries, such as bladder and prostate cancer, who fail to have erections.
In general, it is aimed at those patients with erectile dysfunction who, after an exhaustive study…
and after having tried all the previous lines of treatment indicated for each case, they do not respond sufficiently to maintain satisfactory relationships.
There is a group of patients with a special indication:
In our center we use the two brands of prostheses with the highest quality and safety on the market…
In both techniques, epidural anesthesia is performed and the corpora cavernosa are opened through the approach area and the necessary space is created to implant the prosthesis cylinders. In the case of the more modern and advanced 3-component devices, a subcutaneous space is also created in the abdomen and scrotum to place the reservoir and the filling / emptying device. Subsequently, the prosthesis is left inactivated until its revision in a few weeks. The closure points of the skin will fall off on their own.
During the postoperative period, he follows periodic controls both in consultation and via telephone or video call.
Increasingly there is a psychological factor associated with erection problems, especially in young people.
Furthermore, it is usually an aggravating and perpetuating factor of the problem, even after having resolved the underlying cause.
There are also psychological or neuropsychiatric pathologies that can face problems in the sexual sphere.
For all these reasons, it is very important in any problem in the sexual sphere, and especially in erectile dysfunction, to carry out a neuropsychological assessment that rules out underlying factors.
At Valclinic Sexual Health we advocate for a comprehensive approach to erectile dysfunction, therefore we recommend carrying out our exclusive protocol.
In Dr. Molina Sexual Health we have an international multidisciplinary research team, being at the forefront in Sexual Medicine, being pioneers in many diagnostic-therapeutic approaches and seeking the best solutions for Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction of neuropsychological origin, through the application of neurotechnology and use of biomarkers.
Among them, the detection of neurophysiological and cardiological biomarkers of Increased Sympathetic Activity, allowing treatment exclusively through neurotechnology and cardiac coherence training through Biofeedback to these patients, achieving a marked improvement in therapeutic results.
We have recently discovered a Neurobiomarker for Premature Ejaculation and for Erectile Dysfunction that allows objective and precise diagnosis of these two problems that are so prevalent in the male population, leaving behind the cause known as “psychogenic” as well as treating them through therapy with applied neurotechnology, obtaining excellent results and in a very short time, being pioneers worldwide in this type of treatment.
This novel and advanced diagnostic-therapeutic strategy allows us to be a benchmark in Sexual Medicine and Neurotechnological Sexology, and is applicable to other problems of sexual dysfunction such as decreased sexual appetite, anorgasmia, etc.
Together with this novel diagnostic-therapeutic approach, we have created our own exclusive methodology, combined with neurotechnology, the most effective psychological therapies in sexology, based on brief and strategic therapy and other third-generation therapies, which allows us to have a of positive results greater than 90% of the cases treated:
It will depend on the underlying problem. In general, after a few sessions you will begin to notice improvement.
All treatments are individualized, but are usually around 25 sessions, with 2 sessions per week being the most recommended.
The effect is permanent, thanks to its neuromodulatory effect, so the product changes…
The patient is evaluated by our team of neuropsychologists and is subjected to quantitative electroencephalographic mapping (Qeeg).
The analysis of this study is carried out by a neurophysiologist and using complex software and a large database we can diagnose any type of neurological, psychological or psychiatric disorder.
In many cases, we detect disorders that have not shown face, but different studies have observed that their treatment can be preventive to develop other symptoms in the future.
Once we have the diagnosis, an intervention protocol will be established, which depending on the problem, consists of psychotherapy and couples therapy with our team of psychologists and sexologists, or through advanced neuro therapy with neuro technology (brain neurostimulation) that allows addressing the problem passively, without side effects and with superior effectiveness to other therapies.
This protocol, exclusive to Salud Valcinic, differentiates us and makes us unique in the way we approach the psychological part of erectile dysfunction, and allows us greater adherence to treatment, more effective and faster results over time.
It is indicated in all men with erectile dysfunction of the degree that is of vascular origin …
Treatment is not effective in cases of erectile dysfunction of neurological origin (spinal cord injuries for example), hormonal (due to testosterone deficiency), venous leakage, or in cases of psychological origin (young men with a high component of performance anxiety sexual).
Satisfactory sexual health is an indicator of quality of life
Only 10% of people who have a sexual problem consult a specialist
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Our urologist, Dr. Alejandro Molina
will analyze your case individually to offer you the best treatment.